china construction international dollar subordinated perpetual bonds listed in mox | 中國海外集團-pg电子(中国)官方网站

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china construction international dollar subordinated perpetual bonds listed in mox

time: 2019-12-07 18:33:54  source: china overseas holdings limited

on december 6, the listing ceremony of the subordinated perpetual bonds of cscec international group co., ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "cscec international") in china (macao) financial assets trading co., ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "mox") was held in macao tourism tower.

mr. liang weite, director general of macao's economic and financial department, mr. wang xindong, secretary general of the joint office of the cpc central committee of macao, mr. fu jianguo, president of china enterprise association of macao and chairman of mox, mr. chen xiaofeng, executive director and chief financial officer of cnooc group, mr. zhang weichun, chairman and president of mox executive committee, and other relevant persons in charge attended the ceremony.

chen xiaofeng said that cscec macao, a subsidiary of cnooc group, responded to the national strategy, paid attention to the people's livelihood, participated in rescue and disaster relief, helped targeted poverty alleviation, and practiced the social responsibility of central enterprises with practical actions. as the first central enterprise to list its bonds in macao, the group once again demonstrates its determination and confidence in supporting macao to develop characteristic finance and promote moderately diversified economic development. in the future, the group will take the 20th anniversary of macao's return as an opportunity to increase resource investment, innovate development mode, and make new and greater contributions to the successful practice of "one country, two systems" in macao.

zhang weichun expressed thanks for the strong support from all walks of life for mox since its establishment. he said that as the first financial institution in macao to provide bond registration, custody, trading and settlement services, mox has set up a financial trading platform for public bond issuance, with a cumulative bond issuance and listing scale of 38.6 billion macao dollars, and its development achievements are obvious to all. mox will take this bond listing as an opportunity to grasp the development opportunities brought about by the "belt and road" initiative, the construction of guangdong, hong kong and macao bay area, and macao's building of "china portugal financial service platform" with its partners, so as to help macao's economy develop moderately and diversely and accelerate its integration into the overall development of the country.

the successful issuance of us $500 million subordinated perpetual bonds with a coupon rate of 4% was rated "baa3" by moody's investor services. cscec accurately grasped the market window, and the bonds issued by cscec were actively subscribed by international institutional investors, which has become one of the most popular transactions in the recent market, and also demonstrated the confidence and recognition of the capital market for enterprises. this bond issue will help enterprises optimize their debt structure, ensure the company's sustained, healthy and stable development, and further enhance the company's influence in the international capital market.
