seek progress in stability, seek development, improve quality and efficiency, create first class | 中國海外集團-pg电子(中国)官方网站

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seek progress in stability, seek development, improve quality and efficiency, create first class

time: 2020-01-14 17:56:41  source: china overseas holdings limited

on january 14, cnooc held the 2020 work conference in shenzhen. chairman zhou naixiang and general manager zheng xuexuan of cscec sent congratulatory letters to express warm congratulations on the excellent achievements of the company in the past year, heartfelt thanks for the important contributions made by the company, sincere sympathy to the employees of cscec, and ardent expectations for the future development of the company. yan jianguo, chairman and general manager of cnooc group, made a business report at the meeting. chen xiaofeng, managing director and chief financial officer, presided over the meeting. ma fujun, assistant general manager, attended the meeting.

mr. yan made an operation report entitled "seek progress in stability, seek development, improve quality and efficiency, create first class", which comprehensively summarized the group's production, operation, reform and development in 2019, analyzed the opportunities and challenges faced by the group's business development, and arranged the key work in 2020. he pointed out that in the past year, in the face of the complex situation of economic downturn, slowing down of infrastructure investment and increasing of real estate regulation and control, the group adhered to the general tone of seeking progress while maintaining stability, practiced the requirements of high-quality development, set a new record in major business indicators, and completed all economic indicators of the 13th five year plan ahead of time.

yan dong pointed out that 2020 is a year with multiple meanings and connecting the past with the future. the company will conscientiously implement the deployment of cscec's work conference, focus on cscec's strategic goal of "one creation and five strengths", and focus on six tasks of "steady growth, strategic management, transformation and upgrading, organization optimization, standardization and information construction, talent team and corporate culture construction" to forge ahead, reform and innovation, complete the target and task in an all-round way, and make new contributions to the establishment of world-class enterprise of cscec and the maintenance of long-term prosperity and stability of hong kong and macao.

director chen summed up the meeting and said that the goal and direction of the meeting were well defined, requiring everyone to: first, deeply study and understand, and earnestly implement the spirit of the meeting; second, recognize the situation, seize the opportunity and try every means to achieve steady growth; the third is to make clear the tasks, do a good job in implementation, and ensure the completion of this year's work objectives.

at the meeting, the group issued the letter of responsibility for business performance and the letter of responsibility for safety production to all secondary units, and commended the first-class award, the social service award and the most beautiful striver. 41 units and individuals with outstanding performance in business won the award.

more than 230 people attended the meeting, including assistant general manager and above of group departments, members of leading group of secondary units, department heads of headquarters of secondary units, and heads of subsidiaries at all levels. more than 2000 people, including the relevant responsible persons and employee representatives of the affiliated units of each business line of the group, attended the meeting through 135 video sub venues.
