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    china overseas land and investment limited issues dual-currency long-term bonds at the lowest coupon rate

    time: 2019-07-10 10:21:33  source: china overseas holdings limited

    (hong kong, 9 july 2019) china overseas land and investment limited (the “company”; stock code: is pleased to announce it has successfully listed its first offshore medium-term note (mtn) programme. through this offshore mtn programme, coli will be able to flexibly capture market windows, issue bonds of different sizes, currencies, coupons and maturities based on financing needs and enhance the efficiency of overseas financing.

    on the same day, coli has successfully issued dual-currency bonds of hk$2 billion (5.5-year) and us$450 million (10-year). this offshore mtn programme and bond issuance embodies three financing innovations and breakthroughs among developers:

    1. innovative public offering of dual-currency (hkd and usd) fixed-rate senior bonds, which is the first among mainland developers.

    2. achieved the lowest interest rate and interest spread among mainland developers issuing 10-year us dollar bonds. the coupon rate of the us dollar bond is 3.45% with a maximum order book exceeded us$3.9 billion. this interest cost is the lowest among mainland developers, and is also the lowest 10-year coupon rate in the history of coli.

    3. the 5.5-year hk$2 billion fixed-rate bond is the longest maturity hong kong dollar bond issued by mainland companies in offshore public market, and the interest rate is also the lowest among its peers. the maximum order book on the hong kong dollar bond exceeded hk$5.8 billion, and the coupon was finalized at 2.90%. it provides a strong guarantee for the company's future business development in hong kong and supported hong kong’s continuous prosperity.

    in this bond issuance, the company accurately grasped the market window, and leveraged on long-term relationships with international bond investors, the industry-highest credit rating issued by the three international rating agencies (moody baa1, standard & poor's bbb , fitch a-) and the company's excellent and stable business performance. the subscription was met enthusiastically by many cornerstone investors and over 100 bond investors, including a diverse range of quality investors, including asset management companies, sovereign wealth funds, insurance companies, bank treasurers and private banks, etc.. the largest orders included singapore's sovereign wealth fund gic, boc international, fidelity asset management, icbc, china life franklin and other top investors across asia and europe.

    in 1h 2019, coli’s sales continue to grow at a high speed, achieving contracted sales amount of hk$194.203 billion, an increase of 28.7% yoy, ranking the first among the top ten mainland developers on growth rate.

    coli will continue its corporate vision “to be an exceptional global property development corporation” and insist on being a company of “four excellences”, which are “good products, good service, good effectiveness, good citizenship”, persists on its positioning of “mainstream cities, major locations and mainstream products.” coli will continue to rely on hong kong’s advantageous position as an international financial center, to make efficient and low-cost financing, strengthen the company's financial capital advantages, go beyond cycles, and come out a winner in a new round of better and faster development.
